Embarking on an Unforgettable Expedition: Discover the Enchanting Adventure of Mont St. Michel Revealing Hidden Wonders and Majestic Landscapes.
Leaving Paris was a bittersweet moment; however, I’m now en route to a long-awaited bucket list item—the UNESCO World Heritage site of Mont St. Michel. It’s only a 5-hour Rail Europe journey away and can be booked through the link.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Mont St. Michel has been prominently on my radar for quite some time, and this summer might be my only chance to experience its charm. Maximizing every moment allows me to capture visual memories that will last for years.
Opting for a one-day stay was risky when hopping to catch the high tide. Still, it was entirely worthwhile—an additional visual story crafted from the unforgettable memories made with my daughter during our first-ever father-daughter trip.
Essential Transportation Tips for Your Hotel Stay
While selecting our hotel, we stumbled upon some important information for travellers: limited transportation leaving Mont Mt. St Michel. Here’s the good news: a shuttle operating until 6 pm efficiently takes you to the village in Pontorson adjacent to the train station.
However, after 6 p.m., a vehicle becomes necessary to return to Pontorson, a 90-minute walk. Opting to stay within the gated area would have afforded us more time to explore the fantastic UNESCO site.
Despite the availability of a shuttle, do your research before travelling. From 6 pm until 11 pm, possessing a car is crucial for the latter part of the journey. The last shuttle concludes its route at a spacious parking lot inside the complex. Once beyond the gate, re-entry isn’t an option!
This information was a game-changer because our hotel journey was over 1 hour and 30 minutes on foot.
The Staircase Struggle: A Humorous Mont St. Michel Adventure
Embarking on this adventure, I knew there were stairs, but I needed to anticipate their near-defeating challenge. To add a dash of unexpected excitement, we decided to treat ourselves to a refreshing “glace” (ice cream) during a well-deserved break. However, fate had a different plan—it ended up all over my camera. The ice cream covered every camera button, and my hand was covered with vanilla ice cream, but thankfully, my daughter was close by to salvage the situation.
I can guarantee you that the ascent is quite the marathon! Take intermittent breaks for some retail therapy on your way down. With loads of tourists walking and stopping everywhere to enjoy the many views and capture special moments, arriving early could be beneficial for capturing amazing, breathtaking photos with fewer tourists.
As you bid farewell, be prepared for a delightful surprise just beyond the gates—candy stores, restaurants, and even some Michelin-starred establishments await your exploration.
Unveiling Mont St. Michel: A Moment of Pure Excitement
My excitement peaked as the view emerged from the trees, offering my first glimpse of this unforgettable moment.
The majesty was already evident, even from a kilometre away. Picture this: we disembarked from the bus, and the entire area unfolded before me.
Nestled in the town beneath the abbey on the island of Mont St. Michel, this UNESCO World Heritage site is surprisingly small. Its official population is about 50. Most structures serve as hotels, shops, and restaurants.
Originally named Mont-Tombe, the island earned the moniker Mont-Saint-Michel in the 8th century. St. Aubert, the bishop of Avranches, built an oratory that transformed the island’s identity after a vision of the archangel St. Michael.
Pontorson Delight: A Rail Europe Adventure to Mont St. Michel
Our accommodation in Pontorson, a charming village in Normandy adorned with delightful architectural details, spurred our continuous exploration.
Arriving seamlessly via Rail Europe, the station offered a budget-friendly bus service (just 4 euros each) directly to Mont St. Michel.
Had we been aware beforehand, staying within the village’s proximity to Mont St. Michel would have granted us the liberty to visit until 11 p.m.! This is a valuable lesson in researching upcoming destinations ahead of time.
Mont St. Michel Magic: A Bucket List Checked
What a magical experience! Mont St. Michel is officially off my bucket list, although my desire to see it during higher tides lingers—my next photo mission. Revealing Hidden Wonders and Majestic Landscapes of Mont St. Michel
I’m eager to visit again soon and spend the night on the island. Until then, thank you to Rail Europe and Air France and you for joining me on this visual travel journey.
Extra information: Ottawa Paris with Air France is a direct return flight from $775 each per person and from Paris to Mt Saint Michel with Rail Europe; a 3.5-hour drive one way is $75.00!